I had a coach who used to say this to me all the time. The traditional thought is that hitting a baseball is the hardest thing in sports, and yes I agree that its difficult, but the reason why its so difficult is because of what's going on between our ears.
If you can pick up a bat, see a baseball, and swing a bat at that baseball, it's really not that complicated. I know, I know, you're probably saying, "who the heck is this guy telling me hitting is easy? What the heck does he know?"
Well my response to these thoughts going through your head are that I've been there before and I know how my mind has gotten in my way.
Think back to the best game of your life. How relaxed and confident did you feel? How easy was the game coming to you that day? Did you ever once go to the plate and think to yourself, "this is the hardest thing to do in sports. This is so hard, I have no chance to hit this ball."
I'm assuming probably not. So why is it then that we overcomplicate things with our thoughts. Why is it that we start thinking about failure before it happens. Why do we let doubt creep into our thoughts and distort our timing, our pitch selection, and our overall trust in our abilities?
Go back to that perfect game you had. Think about how easy it was. Use your mind to put yourself in that moment. Feels pretty good remembering back to that day huh? When you think this way hitting truly is easy. I'm not saying you're going to get a hit every time, but try it out next game.
Treat every at bat like the count is 3-1 and the bases are loaded. Be in the driver's seat, and mess around with those thoughts in your brain. After all, they're only thoughts!