We live in a society of convenience and quick fixes. We like our burritos made quick so that we can scarf it down. We like our coffee cold so we can get right to drinking it. And we like quick fixes for our hitting struggles.
We have been groomed and programmed to think this way because of the convenience of the internet and mobile devices. The answers are always in our fingertips. When things aren't so simple we get very frustrated.
When it comes to your swing there are going to be quick fixes that get you back on track, but you have to realize that successful hitting is a process. Just because you are hitting with a private hitting instructor does not mean you are going to be successful. That hitting instructor could be the greatest coach in the world and have all the answers to every hitter's problem. The only way you are going to be a consistent and good hitter is if you go the extra mile.
Successful hitters are successful because they take what they learn and they put it into practice. So what exactly do I practice?
It starts with an understanding of who you are as a hitter. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Maybe you are unsure about this. That's what a good hitting instructor can help you with. From there you need to set some goals that you want to attain. These goals could be any thing from making your varsity team, hitting better with 2 strikes, hitting to all fields, hitting for more power, etc. Once these goals are established you craft a plan to attain these goals. This is where the magic happens. This is where the blood, sweat, and tears comes into play.
You take that hitting plan you've established and put it to work, checking in regularly with the hitting instructor who helped you craft up the plan. The private hitting instructor is there to help you craft a plan, monitor your progress, and provide feedback for you on your journey.
You want to start hitting better right away? The longer you wait, the longer you're progress will stall. Set up your free hitting consultation with a Hitting Lab expert today by clicking the button below! Let's understand who you are as a hitter, establish some goals, and craft a plan to achieve those goals.